Satellite imagery : a tool for large scale vineyard management

Remote sensing, using Near Infra Red wavelength, can characterize within-vineyard variability using vegetation index. Between 2007 and 2009, a study was led on the vineyards of a cooperative winery, in Fitou area (France) aiming at characterizing vineyard oenological potential. A vegetation index, green leaf cover, developed on crops (wheat, rice, corn…) was implemented on vineyards.

Impact of pedoclimatical conditions on the precocity potential of vineyards in the canton of Geneva

Terroir studies are common nowadays but few have used precise pedoclimatic measures in order to evaluate the precocity potential. The objectives of this work were (i) to assess the effect of main terroir parameters (soil, climate and topography) influencing the phenological development of the vine, and (ii) to evaluate a geostatistic approach by using a high number of already existing plots (higher variability) to analyze the terroir parameters’ impact.

Using atmospheric and statistical models to understand local climate and assess spatial temperature variability at a fine scale over the Stellenbosch wine district, South Africa

Atmospheric and statistical models were used to increase understanding of potential climatic impacts, resulting from mesoscale physical processes that cause significant temperature variability for viticulture within the Stellenbosch Wine of Origin district. Hourly temperature values from 16 automatic weather stations and 40 tinytag data loggers located in the vineyards were analysed.

New methods and technologies to describe the environment in terroir studies

The concept of terroir in viticulture deals with the influence of environmental factors on vine behaviour and grape ripening. Recent advances in technology, in particular computer technology, allow a more in-depth study of the environment. Geomorphology can be studied with digital Elevation Models (DEM). Soils can be surveyed with geophysics.