Berry carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic ratio reflects within farm terroir diffferences

ÂThe natural abundance of carbon stable isotopes has been reported to be related to water availability in grapevines quite widely. In the case of nitrogen, the natural abundance of its stable isotopes is mainly affected by the nature of the source of nitrogen (organic vs. inorganic) used by the plant, though the bibliography available for grapevine is very scarce.

A multilayer interactive web map of the wine growing region carnuntum with emphasis on geochemical and mineralogical zoning

During a three-year study the vineyards of the wine-growing region Carnuntum have been investigated for their terroir characteristics (climate, soil, rocks) and major viticulture functions. As an outcome of the study, various thematic layers and geodata analyses describe the geo-environmental properties and variability of the wine growing region and delimit homogenous multilayer mapping units by using a Geographic Information System.

Articles published in OENO One in July 2020

6 articles were published in OENO One – vine and wine open access journal – in July 2020, click to read more: Influence of supplementing red wine with oak staves of various ellagitannin release potentials and different micro-oxygenation doses on wine...

Terroir zoning in appellation campo de borja (northeast Spain): Preliminary results

The components and methodology for characterization of the terroir have been described by Gómez-Miguel & Sotés (1993-2014, 2003) and Gómez-Miguel (2011) taking into account the full range of environmental factors (i.e: climate, lithology, vegetation, topography, soils, altitude, etc.), landscape variables (derived from photo-interpretation and a digital elevation model), and specific variables to the country’s viticulture (i.e: size and distribution of the vineyards, varieties, phenology, productivity, quality, designation regulations, etc.).