The most recent methodological developments in soil survey and land evaluation, that can be taken as reference in the viticultural field, go over usage of the GIS and database. These informatic tools, which begin to be widely utilised, consent to realise evaluations at different geographic scale and with different data quality and quantity in entrance.
Terroir 1998
Tutela legale delle denominazioni di origine nel mondo (con aspetti applicativi)
Uno degli aspetti più importanti nel commercio internazionale dei vini a denominazione è quello del riconoscimento dei diritti di esclusiva garantiti sui e dal territorio geografico d’origine. Al fine di cautelarsi nei confronti della sempre più agguerrita concorrenza mondiale, è opportuno adottare adeguate protezioni ufficiali e legali delle denominazioni che possono derivare sia dalla “naturalità” del prodotto stesso che dalla “originalità” più particolare.
Come proteggere un territorio viticolo: il punto di vista del giurista
La valanga di fango che si è abbattuta nel Salemitano e nell’Avellinese, provocando decine di vittime, è stata causata in larga misura dalle insufficienti opere idrauliche e dalla mancata manutenzione di antiquati canali idrici.
Maturità fenolica e cellulare come metodo di valutazione dell’interazione vitigno-ambiente: il caso del Cabernet-Sauvignon
ln the current work, phenolic and cellular maturation curves were used to assess the degree of adaptation of the cultivar Cabernet sauvignon to the sites under esamination. Five wine-producing zones with different pedoclimatic characteristics and latitudes were considered (Marche, Toscana, Emilia, Friuli and Slovenia).
Caratterizzazione delle produzioni vitivinicole dell’ area del Barolo: un’esperienza pluridisciplinare triennale (5)
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Caratterizzazione delle produzioni vitivinicole dell’ area del Barolo: un’esperienza pluridisciplinare triennale (1)
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Caratterizzazione delle produzioni vitivinicole dell’area del Barolo: Un’esperienza pluridisciplinare triennale (4)
Il Nebbiolo, uno dei vitigni più rappresentativi della viticoltura piemontese. é caratterizzato da una maturazione tardiva, una elevata vigoria e una bassa fertilità basale. La sua popolazione inoltre presenta una tale variabilità morfologica che é consuetudine suddividere il vitigno in diverse sottovarietà (Lampia, Rosé, Michet, Balla per citare solo quelle dell’areale albese) ognuna con presunte distinte caratteristiche morfologiche e produttive.
Cartes thématiques: applications au vignoble champenois
Quel est l’intérêt des cartes en viticulture? Celles-ci répondent à plusieurs usages.
Formalisation au sein d’un référentiel codifié et normalisé de la connaissance relative au milieu, aux observations biologiques et aux pratiques culturales.
Characterization of vineyard sites for quality wine production. German experiences
The quality of grapevines measured by yield and must density in the northern part of Europe conditons can be characterized as a type of “cool climate” – vary strongly from year to year and from one production site to another. One hundred year observations in Johannisberg from 1890 to 1991 demonstrate for the yield formation a clear dependancy from the year combined with a steady increase in productivity; latter a proof of positive clonal selection efforts.
Characteristics of ecological production of grape and wine in Prizren’s vineyard territory in Yugoslavia
Prizren’s vineyard territory-y assigned for ecological production of grapes and wine includes 1. 200 hectares of vineyard located in five separate localities which belongs to the P KB “Kosovo vina”, Mala Krusa in Prizren. Division of vineyard territory in zones was carried out in 1974. Pertaining to the vineyards, the climate and soil conditions have been studied and determined as well as topographie establishing of vineyard boundaries.
Comportement hydrique des sols viticoles et leur influence sur le terroir
L’étude des relations Terroir – Vigne – Raisin est complexe. La recherche et le développement des facteurs qualitatifs qui influencent le caractère des vins sont multiples. Divers travaux mettent en évidence la relation entre l’alimentation en eau de la plante, son développement végétatif et les caractéristiques de ses raisins.
Determinazione della frazione aromatica dei vini, quale strumento per-la valorizzazione del territorio viticolo
La caratterizzazione della frazione volatile aromatica dei vini attraverso l’analisi qualiquantitativa dei diversi composti, ha portato corne primo risultato la netta differenziazione delle annate in prova.
Déterminisme de l’effet terroir: influence de la surface foliaire primaire de la vigne en début de cycle sur le potentiel vendange
ln the Mid-Loire Valley, in France, for the fast twenty years a network of experimental plots has been used to analyse the terroir effect on the behaviour of the Cabernet franc variety of grape. The study of the primary leaf area (SFI) for several vintages shows that it differs greatly from one terroir to another.
Effects of water and nitrogen uptake, and soil temperature, on vine development, berry ripening and wine quality of Cabernet-Sauvignon, Cabernet franc and Merlot (Saint-Emilion, 1997)
Wine quality depends largely on berry ripening conditions in relation to soil and climat. The influence of the soil has been studied in Bordeaux since the early Seventies (SEGUIN, 1970; DUTEAU et al., 1981; VAN LEEUWEN, 1991; VAN LEEUWEN et SEGUIN, 1994) and, more recently, in the Val de Loire (MORLAT, 1989), the Alsace (LEBON, 1993) and the Costières de Nîmes regions (MARTIN, 1995).
Étude intégrée et allégée des terroirs viticoles en Anjou: caractérisation et zonage de l’unité terroir de base, en relation avec une enquête parcellaire
The terroir concept is presented as the basis of the A.O.C system, in the french vineyards. The “Anjou terroirs” programme aims at bringing the necessary scientific basisfor a rational and reasoned exploitation of the terroir. lt must lead to finalizing a lighter, more relevant integrated method of characterisation wich could be generally applied.
Exemples de zonage au Chili et en Amérique Latine
Ce document présente la situation viticole des appellations d’origine en Argentine, Brésil, Chili et Uruguay.
L’étude s’est restreinte uniquement à ces 4 pays, bien qu’il en existe d’autres avec une production viticole d’une certaine importance.
Il piano regolatore delle città’ del vino: aspetti urbanistici, economici e turistici
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Évolution de la surmaturation du cépage Chenin dans différents terroirs des Coteaux du Layon en relation avec les variables agroviticoles
The French “Coteaux du Layon” Appellation of Origin has built its Jarne on the production of sweet white wines. A network of experimental plots, based on the “terroir” concept, was established in 1990; it allows for the follow-up of the overripening behaviour of the grapes in relation with the agroviticultural parameters.